GP Partners

Dr Tony Ames - our longest serving Partner and popular GP.  Dr Ames joined us in 2012 after completing his GP Training with the Practice.  Dr Ames has a particular interest in Diabetes and Dermatology and is our General Practice Minor Surgeon undertaking minor surgical procedures in the Practice.  Tony is a GP Trainer.  He lives in Broadland with his wife and family.    

Dr Dan Wallace - Dr Wallace has just seen his 10 year milestone reached as a GP Partner.  He too completed his GP Training with us at the Practice.  Most GP Practices have a Safeguarding Lead and Dr Wallace is our Lead.  He enjoys general medicine and is one of the GP Trainers at the Practice.  Dan lives in Norwich with his wife his young family. 

Dr Amy Prescott - Dr Amy Prescott completed her medical degree at UEA in Norwich and her GP training with us in 2016.  She has an interest in sexual health and is the lead for our medicines management team supporting the Pharmacist and Pharmacy Technician with their important work in Practice.  Amy lives in South Norfolk with her Partner.   

Dr Ellie Barton - The forth out of five GP Partners who completed their GP Training with the Practice.  Dr Barton joined us as a Partner during the Pandemic and has recently completed her 'New to Partnership' programme to support the role she has within the Practice.  As part of such, she is the Lead GP for our nursing team, providing mentorship and clinical support.  Ellie lives in Suffolk, with her husband and family. 

Dr Jonathan Millsted - Dr Millsted joined the Partnership after a short period away from the Practice as a salaried GP at another South Norfolk Practice following the completion of his GP Training with us.  He returned as a Partner and is our Digital Lead as we continue to explore developments with this form of communication with the Practice.  Jonathan lives locally with his Partner.  

Salaried GPs

Dr Merran Llewellyn

Dr Kathryn Rivers  

Dr Annabel Hall 

GP Trainees

We are an approved GP Training Practice.  This means that doctors who wish to work in General Practice spend time training in a surgery environment to gain the experience and qualifications they need.  We have GP Trainers who mentor and support the education of the doctors in training.  These are our current two GP Trainees. 

Dr Ismail Bello - GP Trainee

Dr Harriet Limmer - GP Trainee

Nursing Team

Catherine Smedley - Practice Nurse 

Michelle Moncur - Practice Nurse

Ellen Sewell - Nurse Practitioner

Paige Castles - Nursing Associate 

Emma Bowden - Health Care Assistant

Carol Vincent - Health Care Assistant

Medicines Management Team

Cara Harris - Practice Pharmacist

Veera Davey - Pharmacy Technician

Management Team

Garry Whiting - Managing Partner

Frances Miles - Dispensary Manager

Patient Services Manager - Vicky Peake 

Dispensary Team

Dispensers - Sam, Emma, Ronnie, Judy, Nikita and Jordan

GP Assistants

Louise Mortlock and Hayley Stringer

Reception Team

Receptionists - Fiona, Caroline, Emma, Sarah, Lottie, Joanna and Becky

Administration Team

Administrative support - Kerry Curtis

Administrative support - Hayley Ames

Senior Medical Secretary - Jane Vince

Medical Secretary - Julie Southgate

Allied Healthcare Professionals

These are the Allied Healthcare Professionals working with us to support our patients.  They all use rooms in the surgery to offer their services.  Some are employed by other local Healthcare Providers, such as the local Hospital, and some by the Primary Care Network (PCN).  The PCN is a grouping of nine local Practices to whom NHS England Funding is allocated and used to support patients with the employment of Healthcare Professionals.

Pete Swan - First Contact Physiotherapist (Norfolk Community Health and Care Trust and Primary Care Network)

Katrina Woodcock - First Contact Physiotherapist (Norfolk Community Health and Care Trust and Primary Care Network)

Sam Kent - First Contact Physiotherapist (Norfolk Community Health and Care Trust and Primary Care Network)

Adam Smith - Mental Health Practitioner (Norfolk and Suffolk Foundation Trust and PCN)

Vicky Edge - Social Prescriber (Community Connector, South Norfolk Council and PCN)

Trudie West - Midwife (Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital)

Rebecca Greenwood - Diabetes Nurse Facilitator (Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital)

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