Patient Reference Group - 2015/2016 survey and action plan
Once again the Patient Reference Group (PRG) has helped us design our latest patient survey to gauge patients views and opinions on our services. Whilst with the introduction of the Friends and Family Test, this is not now a contractual obligation, both the PRG and the Partners are keen to regularly hear about what people think of our services.
The 'send us a Christmas card' survey was born out of a PRG meeting and we asked patient's in the two weeks leading up to Christmas, to send us a Christmas card that we had printed which had a series of questions on the reverse. As well as repeating three similar questions from the 2014/2015 survey, there was a new question seeking views from patients on how to handle the increasing number of patients that do not keep their appointments with us. The responses were fascinating!
Click here for full analysis of the results along with our action plan.
Patient Reference Group - 2014/2015 survey and action plan
Our Patient Reference Group (PRG) again this year helped us with the preparation, design and completion of a patient survey. The results of the survey were used to help shape an action plan for improvements, which to comply with our NHS England contractual requirements (DES), we were required to agree with our Patient Reference Group.
Both the full report (1) detailing the background, methodology, analysis and associated action plan, along with the national template (2) that we are required to complete so that NHS England can review the plan we agreed with our Patient Reference Group are available below.

1. Click here for the full PRG 'send us a postcard' survey, analysis and action plan
2. Click here for the NHS England completed template
Patient Reference Group - 2013/2014 survey and action plan
The report following our 2013/20014 patient survey and associated action plan agreed with the Patient Reference Group last year is available below.
Click here for the full PRG patient survey, analysis and action plan
The Partners would like to thank all patients and members of the PRG that have helped with both years surveys. Across the two years over 600 patient views have been taken into consideration.