

We have our first Adult Flu Clinic on Monday 7th October.

The second Flu Clinic is on Wednesday 23rd October - this will include the Children's Flu Clinic as well

If eligible, please phone reception to book your appointment.

New Website

We will very shortly be updating our website. This will have a completely different look and feel however it is designed to be much more interactive, easier to navigate and will have the option for patients to cancel appointments.

Test Results

If you are waiting for test results at Polmont Park please contact the surgery after 2pm on the specified day. This is when the results will be released to us and therefore we will be in a position to help

Text Messaging Service

We now have a text message based system at the Practice to support with appointments, flu clinics etc. Please can you make sure that we have your current mobile number. Should you not wish to receive text messages from us please let us know. This will be an extra service to the Practice and will not be replacing the normal contact details already in use.

Cancelling your Appointment - If you are unable to attend an appointment, please let us know.

By giving us as much notice as possible you are helping us to make sure that someone else is given your slot.

You can now request repeat prescriptions online using PATIENT ACCESS - to register contact Reception. Please note requests submitted over the weekend will not be processed until the next working day.

Change of personal details

Please inform the reception staff if you change your personal details such as name, address, telephone number or email address, so that your records are kept up to date.

Do you have a muscle or joint problem? Is it interfering with your life or work? For advice and self care information you can visit or phone 0800 917 9390


pad_and_penSuggestions & Complaints

We try to provide an efficient and caring service to our Patients. If you feel you have a complaint about the service we give or about a member of our Staff please speak to the Practice Manager, as soon as possible. You may address your concerns to the Practice Manager in writing or make an appointment to discuss them in person. All complaints will be treated in the strictest of confidence.

We shall acknowledge your complaint within 2 working days and aim to have looked into your complaint within 10 working days. We will endeavour to offer you an explanation and apology, if appropriate, or a meeting with those involved. We aim to investigate what happened and why to ensure it does not happen again.

If you feel you cannot raise your complaint with us you have the right to approach the Health Board directly. If you are not happy with the response to a complaint you can seek advice from the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (telephone 08700 115 378).

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